Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Game Art: Character work in progress (Update #2)

new update on  my Character Art production WIP adding new jacket coz it's now December!! yehey!! well...not cool..hahaha
. yeah..and  i'm also adding another outer jacket with a hood and a little lock on the zipper near the neck area to add more realistic look and detail as well...

stay tuned for more updates....

-jorge ^_^

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Game Art: Character work in progress (Update)

Hi guys here is the new update on my Character Art,
I just a added the 1st pass detail for the jacket, nothing spcial about it it just adding some basic folds on the jacket and a zipper in the middle part.. 

stay tuned for more updates

-jorge  ^_^

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Vorare Anthophilous(The Grasslands and Plains)

Another creature i made for my personal project "EARTHVOLUTION"

This guy is an insectlike carnivore Creature with a very cute and friendly eyes. living in the Grassland and deserts near south america. size?: 5-10 inches,
carnivore, life span?: 100 years.they are like bees, they built behives in the underground and produced 2 kinds of liquid syrup. One is rich in Vitamins,the 2nd is a very poisonous. How they produced such a vey healhy and deadly syrup?it depends in what they consumed. they are like vultures,some of them lived in the desert so they eat both dead and fresh meat.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Game Art:Character work in progress

a work in progress for this guy..I created this 7 months ago , at that time i worked as a graphic artist and after work i'm so tired and really stressed and i only have a few hours to do some zbrush/3D works and it turned into a hobby you know? being able to work in the industry here in our poor Country is vey very hard, there are no openings related to games because there are only few of them. and now finally I am now working full time as a Character Artist/Digital Sculptor. And it turned into a job and i'm so blessed to work in this field. Right now we are so busy at work working on some toys and characters and stuff,but now i'm back on making game art!!. well nevermind the ugly look hahhaha!!

stay tune for more updates....

-jorge ^_^

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Inspiration: Heavy Metal Music: Rings Of Saturn-Dingir

I can say 60% of my inspirations came from music. Most of them are extreme and heavy metal music
the guitar riff, the blast beats double bass drum works and last but not the least?? the Vocals. These are the elements of inspirations combining the every puzzles in my head while creating my own creatures and characters here is one example: Dingir by Rings Of Saturn... so weird eeh??

Friday, November 13, 2015

Hematophagia proboscis (Forest and Pheriphery)

one of the  creature i made for my personal project "Earthvolution"

They lived under the roots of the big trees in the south east asia part (mostly in the tropical part of the world)  and they suck your blood with love"

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

"Earthvolution" (Ongoing Personal Project)

One of the Alien Explorer i created for my personal project called "Earthvolution" here is the story:
4.543 billion years ago a group of Alien Explorers and Engineers arrived in the planet Earth to gather Information and search for different Minerals, Specimen of Animals,Plants and other Organisms.At that time, Earth was rich in Natural Resources and minerals that doesn't exist in the modern periodic table of elements. Lived by different kinds of Creatures and unique Animals and strange Plants that we never seen before.
The Expedition was lead by Dr. Ikur Warale together with the 8 biologist and Engineers.


first of all.. i just wanna say thank you for supporting me, specially to the people who appreciate my art.I'm just a small fish in the pond.and i only have a few friend lists on facebook. Most of them are artists too. and i'm not famous at all.I only have a few friends in real just so weird haha, i'm just a NOBODY
there are alot of artist out there who are very talented and well Crafted about CGI and stuff and better than me., more skills than me. well i don't care about that.I have tons of works, behind the scenes, work in progress and sketches in my hard drive i just need to post them and show them all!!. i just love creating creatures and that's the most important thing why i do this.
My main goal is to create my own creatures,aliens and monsters and my own world..the most bizarre,scariest and disgusting organisms in the whole Universe...hhahaha i need you to relate it when you see it.if you gonna say"ohh jesus eww!! that's so disgusting i don't wanna see it anymore it;s so scary!!" oh God that's that's the SATISFACTION owrayt?.. hahha
I'm not a kid who have talent. i just know how to draw when i was in college. I went to art school and study art and not doing good about it.i'm a drop out student.The First time i saw the works of Jerard Merantz and Ben Wanat I was blown away... it's a spark in every nerves in my brain that yeah. that's it!.i want create like from there i started collecting works of him and collecting images of wierd animals and organisms and other artists working on the film and games and discovered a lot of new artists and inspirations.
And Started playing alot of Horror Games like Dead Space,Resident Evil, Silent Hill and more..
The First thing comes out first in my mind is if this creature is alive in front of you? what are you gonna do? can i feel he's breathe? what about his/her textures? the smell? his voice? that's the things always amazed me thanks to zbrush it makes it possible!!..and i'm so blessed to live in this generation. The computer graphics, the modern technolgy. It is possible to make your own world and characters and i love it!! and i'm not wasting my time hiding,horsing around,doing some things that i don;t like and waste it..
I'm gonna try my best to be productive and create and create and create more art.This is my purpose in life. so what's yours?

so that;s it....
and sorry for my wrong English Gramar hahhaha i'm a Filipino. English is not my primary Language..I'm not a writer also by the way.. and i'm not ashame about it hahaha

So after Reading a Book, There is one book that changed my entire philosophy about artists and art and the myths as well said,.." whooh what the hell is that? a one book? after reading it? that's it? already changed your mindset about art? wierd? ehh!!hahha
so I decided to to post often and create a blog,. a very simple blog. In that blog im gonna post all of my Work in Progress,behind the scenes,inspirations,music,concepts, sketches etc. the fact is, that blog was created a year ago.. hahha and there are only 2 post in that blog and i'm gonna revive it..
so join me and get some updates about my art!!!and expect more works from me!! are you excited? well i'm excited!!hahha

it's kinda weird why i do this but i just want to scream and shout to the world that i'm Jorge Lacea, I create and design creatures!! and I EXIST..

-jorge ^_^